Artist: Maria Verdugo Althöfer, Title "Pluton Verbenero", Technic:Lithograph on paper Biblos Guarro, edition:6 pieces + P / A Sizes: 50 x 76 cm. Stamped in Elmonodelatinta and artist's workshop
PLANETS HABITED. Small snapshots taken from galaxy NGC 6822. I was once a sage from a distant galaxy (1,700,000 light years) that looked up at the sky and studied the stars and the planets. Years ago I had already found and given name to a planetary system of a galaxy that was in the Arm of Orion: a series of smaller planets and bodies that revolved around a star of the spectral type G2. But one day, in one of his routine observations, he discovered that something had happened to them. The planets presented changes in its surface and with a little more understanding realized that it had just made a great discovery: some of these planets had become habited planets .... It presents all that alternative solar system, with its new inhabitants. Using colors that define the different planets, references to their name, either associated with mythology or what the subconscious suggests.