Self-taught until 2001 when she started her artistic training (painting) under the direction of A. Aguilar Soria.
In 2004 she started her training in different etching techniques at several ateliers, among them Fundación CIEC, Taller de José Rincón, Taller Retiro, Fundación Joan Miró, Durante Serigrafía,...
In 2001, she took part in her first collective exhibition at Galería Azteca (Madrid). Since then, she has participated in numerous exhibitions (individual and collective).
Her visual poems have been shown in several exhibitions held in different spaces, museums and showrooms: Diputación Badajoz (2006, 2007, 2009 and 2010), Instituto Español Giner de los Ríos (Lisbon, Portugal, 2007), Museo Modernista Can Prunera (Sóller, Mallorca, 2010), Centro Ataria (Vitoria, 2013), Sala Hebraica, Centro Cultural Las Claras (Plasencia, 2013).
In 2012 her screenprint "Resignation" won the XVII Certamen de Arte Gráfico para Jóvenes Creadores de la Calcografía Nacional contests, which includes a collective exhibition, edition of the screenprint awarded as well as a grant at Fundación Joan Miró de Palma de Mallorca.
Her works can be found at private and institutional collections as Diputación de Badajoz, Biblioteca Nacional, Calcografía Nacional, Casa de la Moneda, Museo de Grabado Español Contemporáneo (Marbella),…
Her works has been selected for the following contests:
VI Premio Poesía Experimental (2007). Diputación de Badajoz
VIII Premio Poesía Experimental (2009). Diputación de Badajoz
VI Premio Internacional Arte Gráfico Jesús Núñez (2011).
XXXIX Premio Internacional Grabado Carmen Arozena (2011).
XIX Premio Nacional Grabado. Fundación Museo Grabado Español Contemporáneo (2011).
VII Premio Internacional Arte Gráfico Jesús Núñez (2012).
Accésit. V Premio Poesía Experimental (2006). Diputación de Badajoz
Finalist. Noveno Premio ARTIfice de Pintura sobre Papel (2009). Ayuntamiento de Loja (Granada).
Award. Certamen Arte Gráfico para Jóvenes Creadores, Calcografía Nacional (2012).