artist who fights against the labels, it is not a photographer, sculptor, painter or illustrator but creates no adhesion to any specific "support", with a preference for the wax.
Begins his artistic adventure in Caracas, Venezuela, where he studied painting and sculpture, Showing his work since 1984 in the IDD in Caracas, where he completed undergraduate studies in history of art, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, Decoration, Illustration, and Graphic Design (IDD , Caracas, Venezuela from 1984 to 1989). At the same time makes a line of accessories and prints to fabric, which will open the door to join the Italian team of hairstyle participating in various international competitions, including the World Cup in Japan.
Always in the same college environment, have the opportunity to work in a movie, and get to know the atmosphere of the film making, who helps with a short 2nd prize winner of the Contest Video Vzla Central University (Niños Electricos).
In the senior year wins the 1st Prize in the IBM & 3M "20th anniversary", which leads him to a contract as junior artdirector most important agency in the country, ARS advertising.
In 1990 changes continent, settling in Milan, Italy, makes an important collaboration with the artistic agency "Il Soldatino" doing commercial illustrations and children's books. After studying in Milan and Stuttgart restoration and decoration, combines Trompe l'oeil decor with graphic design, exposing at Luisa delle Piane Gallery in Milan, where he met the Italian firm Etro with beginning a long collaboration as a designer and artist.
Find the perfect artistic expression in the wax like material. And in 1997 developed with this material design objects for art galleries and designer boutiques, exclusive collections made for the best fashion, reaching expose candles, porcelain and textiles worldwide.
Involved as a designer, graphic artist, and creative manager at fairs in Frankfurt, Madrid, Paris, Milan, Florence, and Barcelona between 1997 and 2007.
As a ceramist gets his first solo exhibition in Naples, Italy. Prepares artwork "useful" as lamps, fabrics, collages and metals sold in limited and numbered series, and starts designing and working with the signing of Faenza Fos in the project "BILBAO", dedicated to the museum Gugghenheim of Gehry, who won the 3rd prize table & cadeau, in Paris (2006) and from June 10, 2010 is part of the permanent collection of the Museum of Ceramics in Faenza, considered the most important museum in Europe in this sector.
In 2009 was selected by ETRO artist for the event as "Salone del Mobile" in Milan, where he made furniture wax to be "on" as giant candles burned live.
As part of the collective Photographer "Thanatos" Napoli Primopiano Gallery Berlin, selected by 20 international artists. Gallery later offers to do a solo project "Sex, Religion, Manga" picture painted and carved in wax, project will be exhibited in Milan on 2 occasions and in Barcelona. The project may take him to win the sacred art triennial Lecce (Italy) in the current year and enter the right to be part of the permanent collection of the gallery in the same city, also enter the official selection Sulmona important prize in Italy.
His project "the look of the city" is selected for the exhibition "outside sculptures-installations" in Vercelli (Turin), presenting a sculpture in aluminum and mirrors of 9 square meters which reproduces an eye on which reflected. A recurring theme that will incorporate into the project "look at me" (pictures carved in wax) that will be displayed successively in Paris, Milan, Vercelli and Somma Lombardo.
In Spain projected Theme Park "Sonsierra Footprints" (Rioja) and a vertical garden "Viña Tondonia" for Lopez de Heredia winery (Rioja).
As Photographer is also selected as CITA for the Collective in La Rioja
In 2009 the sculpture "afrikamama" is selected in Milan and Rome to take part in exhibitions.
His latest project "Non stiamo qui a pettinare le Bambole" arrives in Rome with a solo exhibition that combines photography with facilities such as event determining the objectives of the UN millennium project which is carried on to Berlin, Madrid and Barcelona.
Involved in the project "andante" with a sculpture in wax and burned wood, now exposed in the MACUF (A Coruña) and later in Leon
His work is found in the following collections: Giorgio Armani, Etro, Hugo Boss, Roberto Cavalli, Galleries La Fayette Paris, Lane Crawford Hong Kong, 206 quartiere berlin, Rovagnati Italy, Milano rianscente, white label caracas, terra krizia torino, out of asia berlin, Trussardi, external, very valentino per elizabeh burn, Zepter, fenwick london, new york tuscany square, Santiago ripley, Massachusetts italian design, cultural center of belem lisbon, Loewe Madrid, korvic corp. south korea, gallerie vanlian, Lebanon stuarr rome, segraeti monaco, galleries americas used, ana south Arabia, carpe diem dubai, Arts & ambiances lugano, decovar baharn Epavlis Greece, donna karan ny new york, georg saintPetersburg, lege high Moscow, neiman marcus dallas, used, Kuwait group Iris, Dilhan istanbul, cookworks texas, ceramic museum della di Faenza Italy, as well as in private collections in many countries.
At the moment is developing a digital graphics project and recorded on different media such as canvas, wood or photograph in a series called "Divas" in which it is proposed to weigh divas of the past (and especially Marilyn on the anniversary of his death) including Sophia Loren, Carmen Miranda, Rita Hayworth, Audrey Hepburn, Maria Felix, Josephina Baker in modernity through current magazine covers, collages building multicolored miniature “revistas” already applied to lights, chairs or panels.